Wednesday 3 September 2008

地藏菩萨孝亲超度法会(01。09。08)之法会进行当中。。 when the ritual ceremony for deceased began...

The ceremony started at 7.30p.m. on the 1st of Sep. and before the ceremony begin, venerable do advice all stay where they are sitted and do not drink when the ceremony is running until it was end.
法会进行时:。。。。。during the ceremony...
(左)恭迎长老前众理事先披上海青。。。(left) the commitee members dress up their 'Hai Qing'
(右)出席的信众。。people who attend the ceremony...
恭请长老上座。。。invite ven. hui zhong to start the ceremony..
顶礼。。respecting the buddha..
洒净。。‘Sha Jing’(bring out the meaning of blessing)

诵经仪式。。Chanting momment...
跪拜忏悔就三皈依等仪式。。'Chan Hui and rufuge'
长老上座及给予开示。。。a dharma sharing regarding the sutra they had chant...

超度仪式进行中。。。a part of ceremony...

将所有写上名字的牌位拿出焚烧。burn out the list of name (deceased)...

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